We provide services to agribusiness firms and associations, dwelling in in-depth experience of European Union Agriculture Policies and Institutions, and International Trade negotiations.

JSP offers a unique set of knowledge, experience and contacts, to provide consulting for agribusiness firms and associations.
It offers deep and intimate knowledge of EU agriculture and food related policies. It offers key contacts to obtain accurate information, and efficiently explain and defend interests.
JSP offers also high level consulting on international negotiations and representation. It provides decades of experience in the field, to assist clients to develop their international business and negotiations.

Before founding JSP, Joao Pacheco was a top-level official in the European Commission in charge of policy management for the EU agricultural direct payments and EU agricultural markets.
Formerly the EU Ambassador to Brazil 2005-2011.
Graduated in Agronomy at the University of Lisbon and later obtained a Master in Agricultural Economics at the Wye College, University of London.
Acquired in depth experience in international trade negotiations including the launching of the WTO Doha Round, participating as EU negotiator in the WTO Conferences in Seattle 1999, Doha 2001 and Cancun 2003. During 1994-2004, negotiated several commodity agreements for the EU, in particular on cereals with US & Canada and bananas with several Latin American, African and Caribbean countries. Lead as EU top agriculture negotiator the EU- Mercosul FTA 2004 negotiations.
Promoted the establishment of the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership in 2006.
He was spokesperson for the European Commission at the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and at the European Council Special Committee on Agriculture. Has a profound knowledge of the EU Agricultural Policies. Lead 3 directorates with team counting 300+ people and budget $40bn.
He represented the European Commission in the trilogues (trilateral negotiations) with the European Parliament and the European Council on the reform of the Common Agriculture Policy in 2013.

JSPacheco international consulting
Brussels Office
227, Rue de la Loi - Level 4
B – 1040 Brussels - Belgium
Tel.: +32-(0)2-403.36.48
Email: joao.pacheco@jspacheco.com
Brussels Office
227, Rue de la Loi - Level 4
B – 1040 Brussels - Belgium
Tel.: +32-(0)2-403.36.48
Email: joao.pacheco@jspacheco.com

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